Library Resources



3 Photos from resources at west hub: bookshelves, a person reading a magazine called 'Wired' and mixed books from popular sciences to children books on the table.

Whether you are working, studying, or just passing by, we offer various services that can enhance your skills and help you stay up to date with societal and scientific changes. Below, you can find more information about the bespoke services we provide.

Are you visiting the West Hub? Come and see us at the Information Desk on the First Floor, and we will be happy to share all the relevant information with you.


Our Hub collection combines both physical and digital resources that support departmental teaching for various STEMM subjects (see more below). Additionally, it supports general learning, well-being, information, personal and professional growth, as well as family reading. The books and magazines are curated by University Librarians, who focus on providing reliable information sourced to support individuals from any academic background, as well as those from outside the academic environment.

All books are displayed on the second floor in the North Room and near the Pods. The magazines can be found on the first floor, by the stairs. If you need assistance, please reach out to a librarian at the Information Desk on the first floor.

Are you not a member of the University? Register to access our community collection with our University library membership here.

Contact us

Phone number: 01223 762725 / 01223 762745
Staffed hours: Mon-Fri 9-5